We Offer 3 Services for Dealers
Click the image below Each Service to Learn More!
In-Dealership Warranty Compliancy Visit
AWD will provide detailed feedback on your warranty documentation for issues related to compliancy and proper payment. While at your dealership, a variety of meetings will be held to be sure all service team members understand the significance of proper documentation and handling of warranty repair orders.
All members of your team will be invited to participate, in addition to service management. Tools and follow-up mechanisms will be provided as part of this training experience to be sure that both Dealership and Service Management are able to complete on-going assessments of progress towards proper compliancy.
AWD will continue to provide support following the visit as well. Please click below to inquire on the pricing of this service based on the dealership’s location, volume size and scope of current issues.

Remote Warranty Compliancy Review
AWD will identify claims and provide detailed feedback on your warranty documentation for issues related to compliancy and proper payment. Meetings will be conducted remotely to provide opportunities of through training on available resources and areas the dealership is in need of improvement. Tools and follow-up mechanisms will be provided as part of this training experience to be sure that both Dealership and Service Management are able to complete on-going assessments of progress towards proper compliancy.
AWD will continue to provide support following the visit as well. Click Below to inquire for pricing of this service based on the dealership’s volume size and scope of issues.

Warranty Administration Training
AWD’s Master Certified Warranty Administrator team member will work one-on-one with your candidate or current Warranty Administrator to be sure there is a thorough understanding of the resources and requirements for this position. A series of video conferences will take place allowing hands on learning at the individual’s computer while processing warranty claims through Ford’s OWS system.
This training can be tailored to meet individual goals and objectives of Dealership Management. Please click below to inquire for pricing of this service based on the needs of your store.